This section displays the Dunkleosteus's natural colors and regions. The Dunkleosteus is slightly larger than a Megalodon, another predator that cruises the same waters. These teeth are used by the creature to crush rocks and oil nodes. Where most animals have teeth, massive jagged plates of bone exist in its mouth to crush the shells and bones of its prey. The Dunkleosteus's head is totally armoured, except for the eyes. While its body's physique is similar to that of a standard fish with an eel-like tail, its head makes the beast very distinct. The Dunkleosteus is a large fish found in the ARK's oceans. If the attacker can hold its position, the Dunkleosteus will flee. It will not deter from its path to attack players, but if it is hurt by any creature (players included) or a player gets too close, it will attack without mercy. Si si es verdad tienes toda la razón no podría estar mejor explicado "tu contra todo el océano" jajajaja con la nueva actualización de los Megalodon, un grupo de ello me ataco y mato a mi Basilo que ha estado conmigo en las buenas y las malas desde que entre a Genesis era imbatible con él pero murió poco después del TLC por un grupo de megas, ahora no te puedes escapar de ellos y no es como en tierra que puedes perder a un Rex si pasas por un parasaurio para usarlo de sacrificio jajajaja y sales corriendo.The Dunkleosteus is a slow, cumbersome fish that slowly wanders the depths of the ocean. Puede esperar más DLC de $ 40 cada año que agregan otro mapa que se aleja más de la premisa original del juego y rompe el equilibrio aún más. Lamentablemente, este es otro aspecto del arca que nunca se arreglará. Y el juego se siente estéril y sin vida al ver que los depredadores submarinos ignoran todo lo demás y solo se quedan como zombis para ti y solo para ti. Eres tú contra todo el océano cuando te sumerges. El único agresor de la vida salvaje submarina es el jugador y su domesticación. Incluso cuando el expediente dice que el megalodon se alimenta de ictiosaurios, nunca los ataca en el juego. Así como una jerarquía de qué dinos atacan a qué.

Se puede ver una clara relación entre depredadores y presas.

En tierra, diferentes dinosaurios se atacan entre sí. The ocean has somuch unused potential and it's such a shame.Įl bioma oceánico ni siquiera tiene un ecosistema y una cadena alimentaria en funcionamiento. Unfortunately it is sooooo sloooow that I don't even bother anything deeper down (like oil) because you usually end up getting swarmed by megalodons. The dunky is certainly a great metal gatherer (beats my high melee anky) if you farm spots that are close to the surface. i rather go with Argy to valg or rag and 100% of times griffers with managarmr will kill you at obs. because at the deep ocean at oil spots there are so many angry mosa and electro snake and anglers and when you try to run to surface immediately bunch of megalodonds will chasing you and Dunkle is so slow it was disappointing. unfortunately i realized its so slow and low stamina and really gathered very small amount of oil i just get 500 oil and i ran to beach and cryo it fast. after i lost my megalodon finally i started farming oil by my new dunkle. in center 846 xbox pvp i made big metal underwater trap and i trapped and tamed Dunkle lvl 140 between north jungle and lava island. yes im completely agree with you i wish WC add more abblity to sea harvester like Dunkle because underwater is a unique and amazing area to explore and harvest. I just expected to find Dunkle is very useful but it wasn't. in center i made big metal underwater trap and i trapped and tamed Dunkle lvl 140 between north jungle and lava island. Dunkleosteus is supposed to be the anky of the sea, but currently it serves no purpose on all the maps